About me

A story about me

I wrote several blog posts on my own website which caught the attention of a few friends on Twitter (now X). A blog post that i particularly like and has had the most attention was Ancestral Recall. This essay is about how “Language is history. It remembers what the people forget.

I wrote it after a short period of working at national-international news channel. It was one of the most wonderful months in my life, and shortly after leaving, i decided to pursue my study of cultures through essay-writing.

You see, i had years of stuff i wanted to get off my chest. I wanted to write about language, folklore, history, ancestry, social dynamics…

I trace the cultivation of my interests to high school. I grew up interested in stories and magic, but all of that turned into a very particular kind of passion when i met a teacher in high school, who helped me hone it into something else. He did this by introducing a lot of brilliant ideas into my life, and by passionately showing what is possible, and by carrying that passion himself.He lent me copies of many books: an introductory linguistics book full of his old annotations, a copy of Jared Diamond’s Collapse, and multiple Ray Bradbury books. Just the recipe for what i would be writing about today.

After high school, I decided to study Electrical Engineering. I learned a lot of very interesting things in physics, in mathematics, in engineering. At the same time, I continued reading and writing little by little. I kept diaries, journals, wrote small essays on my own to deepen my understanding of certain subjects.

In 2020, I decided to start a blog. What prompted this decision was to publish an electronics equation that I couldn’t find on the internet. I was super excited that I’d be the one who would help so many students when they tried to remember what this equation was.

That’s how this blog started, and that was my first post. Quickly after, I started to branch out. I soon started writing about all sorts of different things, like my experiences climbing, a road trip we took across southern Turkey, books I was reading.

A post I particularly like from this period was the blog post about the city Hebron. I published it in 2021 during a period when I was starting every day by reading the Bible and listening to this album (The Lute in Italian Renaissance, very inspiring).

My writing frequency was hectic. I would blog once a month or two for a year, and then no posts for a whole year, then posting again for a year. I never took writing that seriously. I never sat down to think about it, but i must have just seen it as a mental exercise.

That all changed when I got on Twitter. All of a sudden I encountered great writing being done by great writers (before my very eyes). I ran into visa’s voltaic verses ⚡️ . His essay We Were Voyagers really pushed the final “domino” for me to get back to writing, and i started with a newfound gusto to write the series of essays, one of which would become the Ancestral Recall.

When I sat down to think of what really mattered to me, it was clear that I was deeply interested in people, in humanity. Some kind of majestic adventure that brings magic to this world. A magic that is imbued in civilizations, in history, in traditions, in ways of life.

So that’s the story of how it started!

Technical details about my life

This section gets updated regularly, so you see what I am currently doing outside of writing and how i earn a living. Those “logistics” problems are really important to how i get any creative work done.

First, I am still a student. I will have finished my last class in 2 days, then I will have to do my internships to get my degree. Until then, I am not truly jobless/status-less. I will remain officially classified as a student.

What do i do full-time right now?

My first “official” full-time job was as a product developer in a telecommunications company. I worked there for 5 months as full-time and 4 months as part-time. I quit at the end of 2023.

As of now, since I quit not over a month ago, all my income comes from my parents.

My plans for financial stability for the future are to get a job as a kitesurf teacher and work/travel.

But what I desire deep in my heart is to go hard on the writing / interviewing / making videos, and earn the money from there.


Before blindly trusting that an income will appear out of nowhere for going hard on these creative art forms / platforms, i should think about how that might be possible. Look for examples, see what i can do, what version of it i want to do and what rewards that would get me.

Play the game you want the rewards of. Think about how you should play the game to get the rewards you want from it.

Much love, and without further ado, goobye.